Health care is an ever-changing field. One of the driving forces of change in health care is government policies and procedures, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Triple Aim model

HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management

Unit 2 Assignment  

The Triple Aim, HIM, and Health Care Reform

Health care is an ever-changing field. One of the driving forces of change in health care is government policies and procedures, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Triple Aim model. These forces are attempting to improve the quality of patient care and the population’s health. They are also trying to reduce health care costs.


For this assignment, assume you are an active member in your regional health information management (HIM) association. Your association has agreed to present a series of health care lectures at a local community center. As the vice-president of the association, you have been asked to present on health care reform. The community center has asked you to focus specifically on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Triple Aim. The association would also like you to explain how the HIM field relates to these topics.


Demonstration of Proficiency


By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:


Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.


Explain the Triple Aim model’s goals.


Identify HIM’s role in the Triple Aim.


Identify ways the Affordable Care Act supports and hinders the Triple Aim’s goals.


Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.


Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.


Create a clear, well organized, compelling presentation that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.




Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with your presentation. Your presentation needs to be about 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes for questions and answers. Remember that your audience is the general public, not health care experts, so be sure to target your message appropriately.


Be sure to address all of the following in your presentation:  


Introduction and Opening (1 slide).


?How can you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? Consider some eye-opening statistics, a compelling quote, or a challenging question.


?The Triple Aim Model (2–3 slides).


What is the Triple Aim?


What are its goals??


HIM and the Triple Aim (3–4 slides).


Why is the Triple Aim model relevant to the health information management workforce?


What is HIM’s role in the Triple Aim?


How specifically can HIM contribute to the Triple Aim’s goals?


The Affordable Care Act and the Triple Aim (3–4 slides).


In what ways does the ACA support the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?


In what ways does the ACA hinder the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?

How effectively does the ACA address all parts of the Triple Aim?


Closing (1 slide).


?What are the one or two main ideas you would like your audience to take away from your presentation?


Q and A.


?Provide two starter questions with responses.


In your speaker notes, be sure to include specific examples to support the points you are making. You will also want to include citations and references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources.


Additional Requirements


PowerPoint presentation: 10–15 slides with speaker notes and voice-over narration. Balance visuals with text.


Font and font size: Use Times New Roman; select appropriate font size and weight for presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text.


APA: Provide APA-formatted citations and references for resources. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.


Writing: Create a clear, well organized, compelling document that is free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.




HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management


Unit 4 Assignment  


Staffing the HIM Booth



Health care is a continuum of health services provided to an individual from the time of birth until the end of life. No single entity controls or regulates the U.S. health care system. Instead, as noted by Doctors for America (n.d.), the system is fragmented. The fragmented nature of the U.S. health care system can place continuity and quality of care at risk.


Health information documentation and management are integral to the continuity and quality of patient care. Health information management is “the practice of acquiring, analyzing, and protecting digital and traditional medical information vital to providing quality patient care” (American Health Information Management Association, n.d., para. 2).


Consider HIM’s roles in policy, research, standards, and education across the continuum of care. Also, consider its interconnections with health professionals and other members of the health care team. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to introduce and educate others about the HIM profession.




American Health Information Management Association. (n.d.). What is health information? Retrieved from


Doctors for America. (n.d.). Healthcare delivery system. Retrieved from


Demonstration of Proficiency


By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:


Competency 1: Describe various types of health professionals and their training and practice settings.


Describe various health care practice settings and the health care professionals working within those settings.


Explain the HIM profession’s contribution to the U.S. health care system and its interactions with other health care professionals.


Differentiate among various HIM roles.


Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.

Create three clearly written, organized, and compelling documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.




For this assignment, assume you are working as an HIM director at Vila Health. A friend of yours is a guidance counselor at the local high school. The high school is planning its career day to introduce students to various health care professions. The career day is an open event held in the gym where each profession has a booth. Students, parents, and the community walk through the gym and visit booths that draw their interest.


Your friend has asked whether you would be willing to staff an HIM booth and to explain to visitors how HIM provides critical support to health care providers. The school asks that you prepare a one-page sheet of talking points that covers:


The HIM profession.


The health care professionals HIM supports.


General educational requirements for HIM and other health care professionals.


The departments within various health care settings, including hospitals.


You will discuss these talking points with students, parents, and community members who visit the HIM booth.


The school also asks each booth to provide two handouts that visitors can take with them for reference. The first handout needs to be a concept map that identifies various departments in the health care setting and explains HIM’s interactions with these departments. The second handout, a brochure, needs to summarize important information about the HIM profession.


Prepared Talking Points (one page)


Develop a list of talking points to introduce visitors to the booth to the HIM profession. Remember your goal is two-fold. First, you hope to interest high school students in pursuing HIM as a profession. Second, you hope to educate parents and community members about the HIM profession. Be sure to address the following in your talking points:

Explain how your concept map fits within the U.S. health care system.

Describe various types of health professionals and their practice settings within the U.S. health care system.


Provide general educational requirements for health care professionals.


Explain the HIM profession’s contribution to the health care system.


Differentiate among various HIM roles.


Handout 1—Concept Map (one page)


Using one of the tools provided in this unit’s studies or a mapping tool you are already familiar with, develop a one-page concept map that visually shows various health care departments and their interaction with the HIM profession. You may also use Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint to create your concept map. Note: The use of short descriptive phrases can sometimes help ensure that your intent is clear to your viewer.


Handout 2—Three-Panel Brochure About the HIM Profession (one double-sided page)


You may create your brochure in Microsoft Word or any other software with which you are comfortable. Remember that the purpose of your brochure is to educate the public about HIM and its contribution to the U.S. health care system and to attract students to the field. Your brochure needs to at least address the following:


What is the HIM profession?


How does HIM contribute to the U.S. health care system?

What are potential roles in the HIM profession?


What educational requirements must those entering the HIM profession meet?


What are the work settings in which HIM professionals work?


Who are the other health care professionals with whom HIM professionals interact?


Additional Requirements


Length: One-page talking points document, one page concept map, and one three-panel HIM brochure (double-sided).


Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.


References: Include citations and references that adhere to current APA style and formatting guidelines. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.Writing: Create three clearly written, organized, compelling documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management


Unit 6 Assignment  


Case Study: HIM and Market Forces


So far in this course, we have focused on the U.S. health care system, HIM, and various health care team roles. With this assignment, we shift our attention to market forces affecting the U.S. health care system. Examples of market forces include: technology, health care costs, federal and state laws and policies, insurance, patient safety, quality care, population health, and many more. Here, we will focus specifically on those market forces that directly impact HIM and the health care team. You will view and analyze the case study presented in the media piece called Vila Health: Sharing Electronic Health Records. You will examine the market forces at play and the way the HIM and other health care professionals responded to these market forces.


Demonstration of Proficiency


By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Describe various types of health professionals and their training and practice settings.


Identify the health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the market forces in the case study.


Analyze the effectiveness of HIM interactions with other health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the market forces in the case study, including improvement recommendations.


Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.


Analyze how each identified market force affects the U.S. health care system and HIM.


Evaluate how effectively HIM roles responded to the market forces, including improvement recommendations.


Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.


Include a minimum of three references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources in APA format.


Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.




HIM professionals need to collaborate with other health care professionals when responding to various market forces. For this assignment, analyze what occurred in the case study and suggest additional recommendations HIM could make to improve the quality of patient care, reduce costs, and improve overall population health.


Include the following headings and answer the questions underneath each heading in your three-to five-page case study analysis paper. Support your analysis with examples from the media piece and with references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Also, use accurate terminology in your analysis.


Market Forces Affecting the U.S. Health System (½ to 1 page)


Which market forces affecting the U.S. health system and HIM are at play in the media case study?

How do the market forces you identified in the case study affect the U.S. health system?


Specifically, how do these market forces affect HIM?


Market Forces and HIM (1–2 pages)


What roles did HIM play in the market forces you identified in the case study?


How effectively did HIM professionals respond to the market forces?


How could these HIM professionals increase their contribution to the response to the market forces?


What two to three specific recommendations for improvement would you make?


Market Forces and Health Care Professionals (½ to 1 page)


In the case study, which health care professionals and allied health workers were affected by the market forces you identified?


Market Forces and Interactions Among Health Care Professionals (1–2 pages)


How effectively did HIM professionals interact with the other health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the case study market forces you identified?


How could HIM professionals improve these interactions?


What two to three specific recommendations would you make?


Additional Requirements


Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages.


Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.


References: Include a minimum of three references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources in your paper. Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for your citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.

Writing: Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.




HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management


Unit 8 Assignment  


Leadership in the U.S. Health Care System


A well–functioning health care system, with all segments working in harmony, depends on all of the following: trained and motivated health care workers, a well-maintained infrastructure, a reliable supply of medicines and technologies, adequate funding, strong health places, and evidence-based policies (World Health Organization, n.d.). We know that the challenges facing the U.S. health care system are many. Health care services are costly and complex. Legislative, financial, and other market forces exert constant pressure on the system to change, adapt, and improve.


The U.S. health care system, one of the top five largest industries in the country, and HIM need individuals who are able to embrace and adapt to organizational change and new innovations. Theoretical frameworks help to provide lenses through which to view, make meaning of, and adapt to change. Developing a personal leadership and management philosophy is an important step for individuals who work in the vast, complex, and ever-evolving U.S. health care system. In addition, knowing how to be a good leader and a good manager, whether for others, or just for yourself, is key to making improvements in the health information management field that benefit everyone.


For this assignment, you will examine how you can apply leadership and management theories to address a market force or issue affecting HIM.



World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health systems: Key expected results. Retrieved from


Demonstration of Proficiency


By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:


Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.


Analyze a selected market force’s historical context and its effect on the U.S. health care system and HIM.


Competency 3: Interpret theories of leadership and management for health systems and health information management.


Summarize a minimum of two leadership and management theories applicable to the U.S. health care system and HIM.


Apply a minimum of two leadership and management theories, or blend of theories, to a current market force issue affecting the U.S health care system and HIM.


Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.


Create an analysis paper that is clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Include a minimum of five references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources that adhere to APA style and formatting guidelines.



For this assignment, you will analyze, in a 5–7 page paper, a market force of your choice that affects the U.S. health care system and HIM. You will also summarize a minimum of two leadership and/or management theories that pertain to the U.S. health system and HIM. You will then apply those theories to your selected market force to determine how they might help to improve or resolve the market force issue. Be sure to use correct health care and HIM terminology in your analysis paper.


Include the following headings in your paper and answer the questions under each heading:


Market Force Affecting the U.S. Health Care System and HIM (2 pages)


Why did you select this particular market force? Be sure to provide a detailed description of the market force in your answer.


What is the historical context surrounding this market force?


How does this market force affect the U.S. health care system and HIM?


Leadership and Management Theories to Address Market Force (2 pages)


What are the basic tenets of these management and leadership theories you selected?


Why did you select these particular leadership and management theories?


What intrigues you about them?

Application of Leadership and Management Theories to Address Market Force (3 pages)


How would these leadership and management theories (or a blend of them) approach the market force issue?


How could these leadership and management theories (or a blend of them) help to improve or resolve the market force issue?


Note: Feel free to tailor the headings in your analysis paper to your selected market force and leadership and management theories.


Additional Requirements


Length: 5–7 double-spaced, pages.


Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.


Citations and References: Include a minimum of five references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources to support your statements and rationale. Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.


Writing: Create an analysis paper that is clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.




HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management

Unit 9 Assignment  


Behavioral-Based Interview Preparation


As an HIM professional, how will you respond to rapid, constantly evolving changes in the U.S. health care system? How will you stay motivated and contribute to the goals of a well-functioning health care system? The answers to questions such as these revolve around leadership and management, regardless of whether you are an individual contributor or someone who has actual responsibility for leading and managing others.


The ability to manage and lead oneself and others is important in every career, organization, sector, community, and country. The U.S. health care system requires much extraordinary work to be done. In the words of renowned transformational leadership theorists, Kouzes and Posner, “We need more exemplary leaders, and we need them now more than ever” (n.d., “Do Your Students Consider Themselves Leaders?,” para. 3).


In this final course assignment, you are to assume that all of your hard work in your courses has paid off. You have scored an interview for an HIM leadership position with one of the health care organizations on your short list of preferred employers. You have done your homework. You have carefully researched the organization and located colleagues in your network who have worked there or who are currently working there. You have learned that this organization has adopted a behavioral-based interviewing approach. With this approach, employers ask questions that require candidates to relate examples from their experience of when they have demonstrated the key competencies required for a leadership position.






Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (n.d.). The student leadership challenge. Retrieved from

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:


Competency 3: Interpret theories of leadership and management for health systems and health information management.


Describe a time that required demonstrating leadership in a challenging situation and the response of others.


Recommend potential improvements to the response to leadership challenges.


Explain the outcome of the challenging situation.


Assess leadership performance in a challenging situation against five practices of exemplary leadership.


Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.


Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.




This assignment is in two parts. In Part One, you will prepare responses to behavioral-based questions about leadership you think the interviewer will ask you. In Part 2, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how effectively you have demonstrated Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership.


Part One


As part of your interview preparation, you have researched and identified five questions—given below—that are commonly asked about leadership in behavior-based interviewing. You are now taking some time to formulate responses to these questions so that you have a good idea of what you are going to say.


Remember: You do not have to actually hold a management or leadership position to act like a leader. People have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership every day. Consider how you might coach your child’s soccer team. Think about your participation in various professional or community organizations. Also, reflect on your current job. Even though your title may not say that you are a manager, you still demonstrate leadership every day when performing your duties.


As you write your responses, include as many specifics and examples as possible so that the interviewer has a good understanding of your leadership approach and performance as a leader. Your responses to the interview questions need to be 4–5 double-spaced pages. Here are your interview questions:


Describe a time when you have demonstrated leadership in a challenging situation. In your response, be sure to describe the challenging situation in sufficient detail. Also, explain why it was challenging for you.


How did those around you respond to your leadership?


How did you respond to those who may have challenged you?


What was the outcome to this challenging situation?


If you had it to do over, what would you do differently? In your response, be sure to consider what you could have done differently to effect a better outcome. Also, consider what you could have done differently to demonstrate respect for the team as a whole and for individual team members.


Part Two


Now that you are prepared to respond to the interview questions, write a short two-page reflection paper on how you demonstrated Kouzes’ and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership. Be sure to address each of the five practices even if you did not demonstrate them in your challenging situation. Consider how you could have incorporated these practices in your situation.


Additional Requirements


Length: 5–7 double-spaced pages, to include 4–5 pages for your responses to the interview questions and 2 pages for your reflection on your demonstration of Kouzes’ and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership.


Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.


References: Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.

Writing: Create two clearly written, organized, professional documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management
Unit 2 Assignment  
The Triple Aim, HIM, and Health Care Reform
Health care is an ever-changing field. One of the driving forces of change in health care is government policies and procedures, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Triple Aim model. These forces are attempting to improve the quality of patient care and the population’s health. They are also trying to reduce health care costs.
For this assignment, assume you are an active member in your regional health information management (HIM) association. Your association has agreed to present a series of health care lectures at a local community center. As the vice-president of the association, you have been asked to present on health care reform. The community center has asked you to focus specifically on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Triple Aim. The association would also like you to explain how the HIM field relates to these topics.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.
Explain the Triple Aim model’s goals.
Identify HIM’s role in the Triple Aim.
Identify ways the Affordable Care Act supports and hinders the Triple Aim’s goals.
Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
Create a clear, well organized, compelling presentation that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Create a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with your presentation. Your presentation needs to be about 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes for questions and answers. Remember that your audience is the general public, not health care experts, so be sure to target your message appropriately.
Be sure to address all of the following in your presentation:  
Introduction and Opening (1 slide).
?How can you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? Consider some eye-opening statistics, a compelling quote, or a challenging question.
?The Triple Aim Model (2–3 slides).
What is the Triple Aim?
What are its goals??
HIM and the Triple Aim (3–4 slides).
Why is the Triple Aim model relevant to the health information management workforce?
What is HIM’s role in the Triple Aim?
How specifically can HIM contribute to the Triple Aim’s goals?
The Affordable Care Act and the Triple Aim (3–4 slides).
In what ways does the ACA support the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?
In what ways does the ACA hinder the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?
How effectively does the ACA address all parts of the Triple Aim?
Closing (1 slide).
?What are the one or two main ideas you would like your audience to take away from your presentation?
Q and A.
?Provide two starter questions with responses.
In your speaker notes, be sure to include specific examples to support the points you are making. You will also want to include citations and references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Additional Requirements
PowerPoint presentation: 10–15 slides with speaker notes and voice-over narration. Balance visuals with text.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman; select appropriate font size and weight for presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text.
APA: Provide APA-formatted citations and references for resources. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.
Writing: Create a clear, well organized, compelling document that is free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management
Unit 4 Assignment  
Staffing the HIM Booth
Health care is a continuum of health services provided to an individual from the time of birth until the end of life. No single entity controls or regulates the U.S. health care system. Instead, as noted by Doctors for America (n.d.), the system is fragmented. The fragmented nature of the U.S. health care system can place continuity and quality of care at risk.
Health information documentation and management are integral to the continuity and quality of patient care. Health information management is “the practice of acquiring, analyzing, and protecting digital and traditional medical information vital to providing quality patient care” (American Health Information Management Association, n.d., para. 2).
Consider HIM’s roles in policy, research, standards, and education across the continuum of care. Also, consider its interconnections with health professionals and other members of the health care team. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to introduce and educate others about the HIM profession.
American Health Information Management Association. (n.d.). What is health information? Retrieved from
Doctors for America. (n.d.). Healthcare delivery system. Retrieved from
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Describe various types of health professionals and their training and practice settings.
Describe various health care practice settings and the health care professionals working within those settings.
Explain the HIM profession’s contribution to the U.S. health care system and its interactions with other health care professionals.
Differentiate among various HIM roles.
Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.
Create three clearly written, organized, and compelling documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
For this assignment, assume you are working as an HIM director at Vila Health. A friend of yours is a guidance counselor at the local high school. The high school is planning its career day to introduce students to various health care professions. The career day is an open event held in the gym where each profession has a booth. Students, parents, and the community walk through the gym and visit booths that draw their interest.
Your friend has asked whether you would be willing to staff an HIM booth and to explain to visitors how HIM provides critical support to health care providers. The school asks that you prepare a one-page sheet of talking points that covers:
The HIM profession.
The health care professionals HIM supports.
General educational requirements for HIM and other health care professionals.
The departments within various health care settings, including hospitals.
You will discuss these talking points with students, parents, and community members who visit the HIM booth.
The school also asks each booth to provide two handouts that visitors can take with them for reference. The first handout needs to be a concept map that identifies various departments in the health care setting and explains HIM’s interactions with these departments. The second handout, a brochure, needs to summarize important information about the HIM profession.
Prepared Talking Points (one page)
Develop a list of talking points to introduce visitors to the booth to the HIM profession. Remember your goal is two-fold. First, you hope to interest high school students in pursuing HIM as a profession. Second, you hope to educate parents and community members about the HIM profession. Be sure to address the following in your talking points:
Explain how your concept map fits within the U.S. health care system.
Describe various types of health professionals and their practice settings within the U.S. health care system.
Provide general educational requirements for health care professionals.
Explain the HIM profession’s contribution to the health care system.
Differentiate among various HIM roles.
Handout 1—Concept Map (one page)
Using one of the tools provided in this unit’s studies or a mapping tool you are already familiar with, develop a one-page concept map that visually shows various health care departments and their interaction with the HIM profession. You may also use Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint to create your concept map. Note: The use of short descriptive phrases can sometimes help ensure that your intent is clear to your viewer.
Handout 2—Three-Panel Brochure About the HIM Profession (one double-sided page)
You may create your brochure in Microsoft Word or any other software with which you are comfortable. Remember that the purpose of your brochure is to educate the public about HIM and its contribution to the U.S. health care system and to attract students to the field. Your brochure needs to at least address the following:
What is the HIM profession?
How does HIM contribute to the U.S. health care system?
What are potential roles in the HIM profession?
What educational requirements must those entering the HIM profession meet?
What are the work settings in which HIM professionals work?
Who are the other health care professionals with whom HIM professionals interact?
Additional Requirements
Length: One-page talking points document, one page concept map, and one three-panel HIM brochure (double-sided).
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
References: Include citations and references that adhere to current APA style and formatting guidelines. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.Writing: Create three clearly written, organized, compelling documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management
Unit 6 Assignment  
Case Study: HIM and Market Forces
So far in this course, we have focused on the U.S. health care system, HIM, and various health care team roles. With this assignment, we shift our attention to market forces affecting the U.S. health care system. Examples of market forces include: technology, health care costs, federal and state laws and policies, insurance, patient safety, quality care, population health, and many more. Here, we will focus specifically on those market forces that directly impact HIM and the health care team. You will view and analyze the case study presented in the media piece called Vila Health: Sharing Electronic Health Records. You will examine the market forces at play and the way the HIM and other health care professionals responded to these market forces.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Describe various types of health professionals and their training and practice settings.
Identify the health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the market forces in the case study.
Analyze the effectiveness of HIM interactions with other health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the market forces in the case study, including improvement recommendations.
Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.
Analyze how each identified market force affects the U.S. health care system and HIM.
Evaluate how effectively HIM roles responded to the market forces, including improvement recommendations.
Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.
Include a minimum of three references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources in APA format.
Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
HIM professionals need to collaborate with other health care professionals when responding to various market forces. For this assignment, analyze what occurred in the case study and suggest additional recommendations HIM could make to improve the quality of patient care, reduce costs, and improve overall population health.
Include the following headings and answer the questions underneath each heading in your three-to five-page case study analysis paper. Support your analysis with examples from the media piece and with references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Also, use accurate terminology in your analysis.
Market Forces Affecting the U.S. Health System (½ to 1 page)
Which market forces affecting the U.S. health system and HIM are at play in the media case study?
How do the market forces you identified in the case study affect the U.S. health system?
Specifically, how do these market forces affect HIM?
Market Forces and HIM (1–2 pages)
What roles did HIM play in the market forces you identified in the case study?
How effectively did HIM professionals respond to the market forces?
How could these HIM professionals increase their contribution to the response to the market forces?
What two to three specific recommendations for improvement would you make?
Market Forces and Health Care Professionals (½ to 1 page)
In the case study, which health care professionals and allied health workers were affected by the market forces you identified?
Market Forces and Interactions Among Health Care Professionals (1–2 pages)
How effectively did HIM professionals interact with the other health care professionals and allied health workers affected by the case study market forces you identified?
How could HIM professionals improve these interactions?
What two to three specific recommendations would you make?
Additional Requirements
Length: 3–5 double-spaced pages.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
References: Include a minimum of three references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources in your paper. Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for your citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.
Writing: Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management
Unit 8 Assignment  
Leadership in the U.S. Health Care System
A well–functioning health care system, with all segments working in harmony, depends on all of the following: trained and motivated health care workers, a well-maintained infrastructure, a reliable supply of medicines and technologies, adequate funding, strong health places, and evidence-based policies (World Health Organization, n.d.). We know that the challenges facing the U.S. health care system are many. Health care services are costly and complex. Legislative, financial, and other market forces exert constant pressure on the system to change, adapt, and improve.
The U.S. health care system, one of the top five largest industries in the country, and HIM need individuals who are able to embrace and adapt to organizational change and new innovations. Theoretical frameworks help to provide lenses through which to view, make meaning of, and adapt to change. Developing a personal leadership and management philosophy is an important step for individuals who work in the vast, complex, and ever-evolving U.S. health care system. In addition, knowing how to be a good leader and a good manager, whether for others, or just for yourself, is key to making improvements in the health information management field that benefit everyone.
For this assignment, you will examine how you can apply leadership and management theories to address a market force or issue affecting HIM.
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health systems: Key expected results. Retrieved from
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Analyze market forces that affect health care systems.
Analyze a selected market force’s historical context and its effect on the U.S. health care system and HIM.
Competency 3: Interpret theories of leadership and management for health systems and health information management.
Summarize a minimum of two leadership and management theories applicable to the U.S. health care system and HIM.
Apply a minimum of two leadership and management theories, or blend of theories, to a current market force issue affecting the U.S health care system and HIM.
Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.
Create an analysis paper that is clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Include a minimum of five references to current scholarly and/or authoritative sources that adhere to APA style and formatting guidelines.
For this assignment, you will analyze, in a 5–7 page paper, a market force of your choice that affects the U.S. health care system and HIM. You will also summarize a minimum of two leadership and/or management theories that pertain to the U.S. health system and HIM. You will then apply those theories to your selected market force to determine how they might help to improve or resolve the market force issue. Be sure to use correct health care and HIM terminology in your analysis paper.
Include the following headings in your paper and answer the questions under each heading:
Market Force Affecting the U.S. Health Care System and HIM (2 pages)
Why did you select this particular market force? Be sure to provide a detailed description of the market force in your answer.
What is the historical context surrounding this market force?
How does this market force affect the U.S. health care system and HIM?
Leadership and Management Theories to Address Market Force (2 pages)
What are the basic tenets of these management and leadership theories you selected?
Why did you select these particular leadership and management theories?
What intrigues you about them?
Application of Leadership and Management Theories to Address Market Force (3 pages)
How would these leadership and management theories (or a blend of them) approach the market force issue?
How could these leadership and management theories (or a blend of them) help to improve or resolve the market force issue?
Note: Feel free to tailor the headings in your analysis paper to your selected market force and leadership and management theories.
Additional Requirements
Length: 5–7 double-spaced, pages.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Citations and References: Include a minimum of five references to current, scholarly, and authoritative sources to support your statements and rationale. Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.
Writing: Create an analysis paper that is clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
HIM4670 Health Information Systems and Management
Unit 9 Assignment  
Behavioral-Based Interview Preparation
As an HIM professional, how will you respond to rapid, constantly evolving changes in the U.S. health care system? How will you stay motivated and contribute to the goals of a well-functioning health care system? The answers to questions such as these revolve around leadership and management, regardless of whether you are an individual contributor or someone who has actual responsibility for leading and managing others.
The ability to manage and lead oneself and others is important in every career, organization, sector, community, and country. The U.S. health care system requires much extraordinary work to be done. In the words of renowned transformational leadership theorists, Kouzes and Posner, “We need more exemplary leaders, and we need them now more than ever” (n.d., “Do Your Students Consider Themselves Leaders?,” para. 3).
In this final course assignment, you are to assume that all of your hard work in your courses has paid off. You have scored an interview for an HIM leadership position with one of the health care organizations on your short list of preferred employers. You have done your homework. You have carefully researched the organization and located colleagues in your network who have worked there or who are currently working there. You have learned that this organization has adopted a behavioral-based interviewing approach. With this approach, employers ask questions that require candidates to relate examples from their experience of when they have demonstrated the key competencies required for a leadership position.
Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (n.d.). The student leadership challenge. Retrieved from
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assignment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Interpret theories of leadership and management for health systems and health information management.
Describe a time that required demonstrating leadership in a challenging situation and the response of others.
Recommend potential improvements to the response to leadership challenges.
Explain the outcome of the challenging situation.
Assess leadership performance in a challenging situation against five practices of exemplary leadership.
Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.
Create a clear, well organized, professional document that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
This assignment is in two parts. In Part One, you will prepare responses to behavioral-based questions about leadership you think the interviewer will ask you. In Part 2, you will have the opportunity to reflect on how effectively you have demonstrated Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership.
Part One
As part of your interview preparation, you have researched and identified five questions—given below—that are commonly asked about leadership in behavior-based interviewing. You are now taking some time to formulate responses to these questions so that you have a good idea of what you are going to say.
Remember: You do not have to actually hold a management or leadership position to act like a leader. People have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership every day. Consider how you might coach your child’s soccer team. Think about your participation in various professional or community organizations. Also, reflect on your current job. Even though your title may not say that you are a manager, you still demonstrate leadership every day when performing your duties.
As you write your responses, include as many specifics and examples as possible so that the interviewer has a good understanding of your leadership approach and performance as a leader. Your responses to the interview questions need to be 4–5 double-spaced pages. Here are your interview questions:
Describe a time when you have demonstrated leadership in a challenging situation. In your response, be sure to describe the challenging situation in sufficient detail. Also, explain why it was challenging for you.
How did those around you respond to your leadership?
How did you respond to those who may have challenged you?
What was the outcome to this challenging situation?
If you had it to do over, what would you do differently? In your response, be sure to consider what you could have done differently to effect a better outcome. Also, consider what you could have done differently to demonstrate respect for the team as a whole and for individual team members.
Part Two
Now that you are prepared to respond to the interview questions, write a short two-page reflection paper on how you demonstrated Kouzes’ and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership. Be sure to address each of the five practices even if you did not demonstrate them in your challenging situation. Consider how you could have incorporated these practices in your situation.
Additional Requirements
Length: 5–7 double-spaced pages, to include 4–5 pages for your responses to the interview questions and 2 pages for your reflection on your demonstration of Kouzes’ and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.
References: Follow current APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult APA Style and Format, linked in the Resources.
Writing: Create two clearly written, organized, professional documents that are generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

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